Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baby Blanket and Nursing Cover...FINALLY!

Yep, it's been a while since my last post, but that is only because I had to wait until Sheri, my sister, had her shower "just in case" she happened to get on blogger and saw her gifts! I must say, for my first try, they turned out PERFECT!! The only problem I had was sewing in the boning on the nursing cover but now that I know what to do, I will be a pro when I make one for my BFF!!

I had a hard time picking out the fabric for the cover because I wanted it to be traditional. But soon I found this RADICAL print by Michael Miller and just HAD to have it for Sheri! She is a school teacher so it fit her personality to a tee! Unfortunately, when she opened it, my other sister just HAD to poke fun and they all got a laugh out of my "teat" cover by thinking it was an apron. Just wait! She will see just how easy it will be to breast feed in public without showing it all! I am proud of my creation and can't wait to make another!

As for the blanket, I had NO problem with the colors, just the material. I wanted to use minky but wasn't sure what else. I ended up choosing a soft silk. The minky came to me super soft with chocolate, mocha, mint and lime dots on a white background. The silk is a chocolate color. The blanket "pattern" came to me courteous of Tuesdays with Molly. Her blog features some great projects like this one with step-by-step instructions. The only other problem I had was mitring the corners, but I quickly figured it out after the first one! Thanks MOLLY!!!

Well, that is it for now. I DID make the Yoda Robe as well. That will be posted in another post another day. It came out GREAT even though I forgot the tie! Can't wait for you all to see it soon!! Next up, either a camera strap cover or more baby stuff! Oh and I need a new name for my store and blog!!!

Until Later!